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BT's COP26 Presentation
Published: 17 January 2022
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In November 2021 as part of the International COP26 event in Glasgow, DEFRA had a climate showcase where BT was asked to present on the work it was doing around the environment and climate change.

BT is seen as a leader in this field and so a BT presence was required. BT Street was asked to put an exhibit up on their new Street Hub, which has air quality and CO2 sensing capabilities due to work led by Applied Research on air pollution sensing and use of BT Street assets as smart city sensing platforms.

BT Applied Research (who are located at Adastral Park) was asked to attend the event and provide expertise on the air pollution sensing service including the device and use of data exchange. An Applied Research expert was sent to the event to explain how Street Hubs, air quality devices and data exchanges could provide actionable data on air pollution.

Applied Research set up customised dashboards using live data from a device in Birmingham to show how the Street Hub estate and data exchanges could provide actionable data and create the worlds best national air quality network. The event was a great success.
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