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Health Forum "Empowering Patients: Long-Term Condition Management through Supported Self-Management"
Published: 8 March 2023
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Join us for our next Forum where we will be discussing the topic of '"Empowering Patients: Long-Term Condition Management through Supported Self-Management"” 30th March 2023 at 1200-1300.

The MymHealth platform has been used to help manage long term conditions in the NHS, you will hear details on the challenges they have managed to overcome along with the sustainability angle that this type of solution offers.

During this session we will hear from Jane Stokes, Head of Customer Success at my mhealth. Jane leads the Customer Success Division of my mhealth, refining customer experience and increasing engagement with my mhealth products.

A Senior Respiratory Specialist Physiotherapist, the UK's first Advanced Critical Care Practitioner Physiotherapist, Jane’s drive and enthusiasm coupled with her breadth of experience and knowledge have enabled her to become a key influencer in the digitisation of current health care delivery systems.

We will also hear from Maria Glover, Cardiac Rehabilitation Nurse Manager at the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust. Maria will expand on the conditions that MyMHealth have been used for at the Trust and will highlight the benefits and findings from the trial they ran and next steps.

If you would like to attend this session then please join our hub community -in order to receive a invite for this session and future sessions!

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