It’s that time of year when we start working with Home-Start to help deliver festive cheer. We are working with Home-Start in Suffolk to support 50 children and we would love to be able to donate a gift to each of them.
Attached is a breakdown of the number of gifts and the age group the gifts are required for, any help you can give is greatly appreciated, we do appreciate this is a difficult time for many.
How can you help?
• Donate a gift (we can group items together so even a small gift is massively helpful)
• Do you have any Christmas wrapping paper we can use for the gifts (get in touch)
• Do you have time to help us wrap and sort the gifts (please get in touch if you do)
We are really hoping we can get enough gifts for all the families – below and attached is a breakdown of the ages and type of gifts we are looking for and also gifts Home-Start has requested.
If you can help, we need all the gifts to us by the 12th December, that would be fantastic. Please contact
Devona Anidi to co-ordinate dropping off any gift donations or for any further information.