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BT leads project to create IoT marketplace
Published: 14 May 2019
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BT has partnered with Deutsche Telekom, NTT and T-Mobile to create a proof of concept that shows how companies can easily access commercial internet of things (IoT) products to benefit their business.

The digital marketplace will allow communication service providers (CSPs) to offer customers a rich set of IoT products and services from both themselves and their partners. This means customers will be able to build scalable IoT solutions through a self-service portal and securely manage their company assets all around the world.

This work has also lead to BT filling a number of patents, of which 19 are currently under submission and 2 have been granted.

BT's Gary Bruce and Mo Zoualfaghari from BT Labs at Adastral Park will be presenting the collaborative project at this year's TM Forum's Digital Transformation World Conference in Nice, France, between 14th and 16th May.

For a more in-depth look at the IoT digital marketplace project head over to the TM Forum website.

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