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Secure Tomorrow festival   >   Speakers   >   Professor Steve Hailes
Photo of Professor Steve Hailes
Professor Steve Hailes
Head of Department - Computer Science, UCL
Stephen Hailes is Professor of Wireless Systems and has been Head and Deputy Head of the Department of Computer Science over the past 24 years, standing down from this in September 2024. Following an undergraduate degree and PhD at Cambridge University, Stephen joined the UCL Department of Computer Science in 1991 as a postdoc working on early IP-based video conferencing. He became a lecturer in 1992, and has worked in a mixture of: trust and security, in which he was a founder of the field of computational trust; networking, including IoT, industrial IoT and industrial control systems; AI, both as an area of research in itself and as a technique for securing systems; and sensor systems, from sensor fabrication to data analysis. Recently, Stephen led the creation of the new Intelligent Robotics group at UCL EAST. He was involved in the creation of the PETRAS National Centre of Excellence for IoT Systems Cybersecurity, with a focus on the security of industrial control systems and is a partner (with BT) in the UK-India Future Networks Initiative led by UEA. Stephen is also a director of the new CDT in Cyber-Physical Risk, which will have its first intake in September 2025.

Professor Steve Hailes is participating in the following session:

AI Security Friend or Foe - Impact of AI on scaling future tech and cyber resilience