Adastral Park
Education & skills   >   Life at Work experiences
Photo of Rika Nauck
Photo of Rika Nauck
Rika Nauck
BT Adastral Park Life at Work Programme
Life at Work is one of three themes that build our talent pipeline, bridging the gap between 'inspiring STEM interest' and 'talent attraction' by providing meaningful work and insights experiences to school, college and university students.
It's my job to create the framework that gives as many young people as possible the opportunity to experience a digital work place. And it's my job to keep you all safe, online and in the real world.
I liaise with schools, parents, volunteers, and even policy makers to make your placements with us the experience that you deserve for a great start into your future lives."

Life at Work experiences

We provide real life experiences to everybody who would like to learn more about BT, Adastral Park, career options, and our Life@Work message.

We are offering:

We are supporting:

Coloured pencils

Work experience at Adastral Park

The registration of interest for 2024 is now closed. We will open registration of interest for the 2025 season on 1st September 2024 with the aim to provide a 9 week period of 1-week long experiences again.

Why those 9 weeks?

Those 9 weeks include all the major local schools. A defined period allows us to prepare efficiently and leaves the rest of the year for all the other stuff we offer, like SEND work experience, Insights Experiences and Assembly Lectures.

Why only one week?

We would like to give as many students the opportunity to spend some time with us. Our placements are designed to provide all the insights needed within a week.

Why Monday - Friday?

We have created an exciting insights programme to run alongside the project work, starting with a welcome and health & safety briefing on Monday, ending with a student feed-back presentation on Friday and a lot of cool things to see in between. For students to enjoy the full experience they need to join on a Monday.

Yellow ball of yarn

Insights experience at Adastral Park

These are half day visits to Adastral Park where groups of up to 16 students learn about BT, Adastral Park, Careers and a lot of things that we do here.

Students who have not been at Adastral Park before, don't quite know if technology and computing really is their calling, are not sure if a big company like ours is the place where they would want to work, or who want to know more about the application process will benefit most.

A usual Insights Experience consists of a welcome presentation, Adastral Park and Showcase tour and Early Careers Panel, at which up to 2 apprentices and 2 Graduates talk about their experience. The event can be tailored through further tech talks and lab visits.

For individuals we usually organise Insights Experiences during half term and holiday periods.

Most of these group visits are organised through the schools for students as well as staff. If you think a school might benefit from this experience, please tell them about it and ask them to register via the form.

Please register interest for Insights experiences.

Paper boats

Assembly session at school

We recently trialled assembly sessions with schools with the aim to get the 'Life @ Work' message across to Year 8 and 9. The school requested the use of the British Science Week Sustainability material as this was due on their curriculum schedule.

We reached 330 students, who now hopefully will be able to make more informed choices for their GCSEs, as well as deciding whether or not an Insights or Work Experience at BT Adastral Park will be of interest.

If you think your school might be interested please ask them to get in touch.



We are in contact with the local colleges to tailor our Work and Insights Experiences to their needs and schedules.


University summer student programme

Please refer to the BT careers portal for information and application for Summer student placements at Adastral Park.

Once students are accepted into the programme we will complement their project work with our Insights and networking activities.