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News   >   STEMtastic Live Event 2020 was a great success!
STEMtastic Live Event 2020 was a great success!
Published: 15 July 2020
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On Saturday 11 July, BT were involved in the first virtual STEMtastic event hosted by West Suffolk College in Bury St Edmunds. BBC’s Marty Jopson delivered a Live session to start the day which included sessions for primary, secondary and teacher CPD.

The virtual event involved interactive exhibits from local companies and industries, engaging workshops and high-impact shows, with a particular focus on highlighting the ‘hidden STEM’ in our everyday lives. Some of the sessions were live and interactive, while others were pre-recorded - an up-and-coming website will host everything as a lasting legacy.

As part of BT’s contribution, a series of short videos were put together to help bring the school curriculum to life. You can view these on the Adastral Park Virtual Learning pages

The first set of videos explain how we’re using computing, science, maths and engineering to help people to communicate and stay connected. The second set gives students an insight into how their learning is then applied in the world of work, along with some top tips from our apprentices and graduates to help them prepare to apply for a STEM career.

It’s amazing what can be done during lockdown! Please share these with your family, friends and schools!

For further information, contact Pam Popay.
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