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News   >   Virtual British Science Week is Back!
Virtual British Science Week is Back!
Published: 23 January 2023
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Join us from Monday 13th to Friday 17th March, when we will be launching a new topic each day. This year we'll be looking at Sustainability, Extended Reality, Digital Banking, Space and Accessibility. There will be bite-sized videos, 'have a go' activities and live Q&A sessions - all of which you can get involved in for free! The content is ideal for years 6 - 13 (ages 10 - 18), and don't forget - if they take part in the activities and watch the videos, it will all count towards the Youth STEMM Awards!

Visit our VBSW home page to meet Lisa Perkins, who will give you a fantastic flavour of what you can look forward to!

Join the Free LIVE Q&A Sessions each day from 14:00 – 14:30. Register here

Our Activities pack is back too! The kit list and activities pack will be available nearer the time to download from the web pages

This is our third British Science Week and all of the brilliant content from our first and second weeks are still available. We've previously looked at a whole range of subject areas from Drones to AI, Robotics, Programming and much, much more!

We would like to thank the organisations collaborating with us to bring this brilliant content together – including N2S ; UrbanXR; Nationwide ; Red Hat; University of Cambridge and our BT colleagues

For further information you can email us at

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